I also do.

My eyes stuck at the wall. I always hear my phone ringing as if there is a mail coming just for me. It’s strange how people seems so get attach for you then just get lost when that moment end – I can’t deny that there is always a time in my life where I imagine doing things I want... with someone.

It’s not completely because of these movies I watched that makes me want to go at parks with someone. It’s not completely because of these books I read that makes me want to watch movies with someone up until late at night. It’s not also completely because of these people that surrounds me that makes me want to experience being in love. It’s just that... I also do. I also do want it.

I want to experience the feeling it gives. I want to see me smile because I am happy about it. I want to see... a fairytale like life.

You can’t truly understand something until it happens to you

They say that experience is the best teacher – yet for me it’s the lesson that is the best teacher. These things I want to experience seems like colorful crayons – each color represents something in life. But thinking about it, if experiencing different things is like combining all color, it will turn out black.

There was this time where our arts teacher presented same pictures, but the other one is colorful and the other one is mono chromatic. He then asks us, which one do you prefer? The class choose the colorful one. He said, “Of course. We would like the colorful one over the black and white one. But, is there anyone here who likes the mono chromatic one?” I raised my hand. He then asked me why, I answered him;

“Colorful surely is beautiful – like who wants the daunted one, right? But for me, the mono chromatic painting shows adequate balance and uniformity – all of them are just as equal and fine.”

Life isn’t all about the colors it have, it’s about how will you color it. If we choose to neglect some colors – we wouldn’t be able to achieve the whole. If at least one of the color is so powerful that it cannot accept any other color, it will serve as your hindrance to learn and accept.

Living life is composed of variety of colors, yet life should always be lived mono chromatically – so that you’ll achieve the balance.

May your life be filled with colors like Blue.

May your life be filled with colors like Red.

May your life be filled with colors like Yellow.

May your life be filled with colors like Orange.

May your life be filled with colors like Green.

And may your life be guided with colors like Black and White.


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