Under starry night.


Dawn keeps coming back,
 no word comes out my mouth.
My presence seems to lack,
I wonder if we still are chum.


Nights keep passing,
yet I think you smile better now.
"Aren't we that friends?"- mind asks,
"happier he is with another one", response.


I can't utter to speak,
When will we once again meet?
I long for your care,
"I'm missing you" is un-rare.


    Passing halfway through the year seems like gliding down a cornice, not so smooth yet fast. Talking and checking up with my friends became a rare sight to see - not only on my punto de vista but also on theirs. Recently, I keep on composing messages that end up staying on my memo for days to weeks.

Why is it so hard to simply check upon them? They are my friends for my sake.

    I feel like not talking to them while knowing they are talking to others is like a rubber band. I feel like the more we part, the more we will get hurt to the point that we might break. Never can I blame any of the instances, well maybe I just hate it because it makes me sad. Under this starry night, for the nth time, I worry about losing them. I am bitter. I am sweet. I am careless. I am caring. Is it so selfish of me to wish my friends to stay?

    People might wonder, why out of all the people you met, you are so protective, affective, and proactive to your friends than any other else? The answer is simple, yet people should feel this before understanding.

    Have you ever felt accepted?

    Have you ever felt like talking endlessly?

    Have you ever felt that unconditional care?

    Have you ever felt being loved for who you are?

    Have you ever felt so comfortable that no one will judge you?

    Have you ever felt something like a family?

    Have you ever felt at home?

    Cause I already got it.

    Cause I already got mine.

    Cause I already got them.

    Cause I already have them.

"They are a treasure" became an understatement after some time. If they ever got to know what I really meant by treasure, I hope they will keep it in mind. I hope that my ways of showing how much I really treasure them speak more than anything. I always utter that being one of my friends is like a shoot of chance.

I could say that I and my friends do have a lot of differences with each other, and so I keep on wondering why are they staying for good? Why are they here? Why do we choose each one? What's the reason behind it? Honestly, looking back to that time we also wonder why we became friends, it's unclear. And if one day we finally found out why, I hope nothing will change.

Why am I writing this? It is because the future is unclear. At this moment, time and works are parting us like 1cm per second. It was ruthless of me to think about them every time I got to see a good movie to watch. It was selfless of me to buy gifts for them until I can no longer buy something for myself. It was thoughtless of me to think about hanging out with them until we can no longer see the sun. But you know what? It was priceless that we met each other.

To those who never get tired of hearing rants,

To those who stay after seeing cries,

To those who never judge for who we were,

To those who never left after seeing flaws,

To those who became our each other's owl.

To those who became a reason for an unconditional love,

To those who became our family,

And to those who became a home,

Let's stay until we became gray and old.

Until the moon becomes blue,

let's have each other

under starry night.



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