Butterfly Effect - 12/21/20

If some things changed, would it still be you?

The agony of life brought us to questions such as "why?", "what's....?", and "what if?"
Walking on this narrow path of life, some parts have spikes, which makes me walk carefully. Some parts of the floor have nails, so I have to clean it first to be able to continue walking. Some roofs doesn't have anything, it looks so bright, the looking at it will never not be impossible.

Am I at the abyss? Cause it feels so cold. Its dark. Its lifeless. I just picked up the nails I see, avoid the spikes that dangers me, and just walk past straight without looking what's above me. Did I make the wrong choice? Or I just got the wrong result? If I changed things, will it still be here?

Counting 1 to 3, feels like 2 is gone. Walking uphill feels like we forgot the start. And running on the left feels like we neglected the right. Should I change my decision? CAN I CHANGE the done?

I came back to the place. Walking on this narrow path once again, some parts have spikes, but now I just let it touch my skin. Some parts of the floor have nails, but now I just walk by them. Some roofs doesn't have anything, it looks so bright, but then I walk by it blindly.

Am I at the abyss, again? It feels colder than before. Darker than before. And still lifeless like before. I just let things happen. Did I make the wrong choice once again? Or I just got the wrong result once again? I change things, but I am still here.

Counting 1 to 3, now I know I will never achieve 3 without 2. Walking uphill now reminds me the reason why I reach the top. And running on the left makes me realize that its just a choice with unexpected outcome.

Now I know, things will always change. You may not understand it right now, but soon you will. The more you dive in, the more you will understand that butterfly effect do exist...


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